We are thrilled to be part of the second funding period of the Collaborative Reserach Center CRC1333 hosted at the Univesity of Stuttgart. The mission of CRC1333 is to investigate „Molecular heterogeneous catalysis in confined geometries“ by taking inspiration from biological systems in which confinement plays a crucial role in the catalytic activity and selectivity. The CRC1333 trys to mimic these aspects by incorporating organo(metallic) catalysts into mesoporous supports and investigate the resulting properties by multilevel experimental and computational tools.
We are thrilled to be involved in CRC1333 by investigating the effect of dynamic confinement on the actiity and selectivity of organocatalytic reactions. This research will be carried out in project A08 in close collaboration with the research groups of Prof. Laschat and Dr. Pluhackova from the University of Stuttgart as well as with other PIs from the CRC.

We are thankful that the CRC1333 supports our reserach team by investing in a new Raman Spektrometer for in situ reaction monitoring which will be set up in our labshortly. So stay tuned for more reserach regarding organocatalysis in dynamic confinement.