Check out our publications in chronological order (newest to oldes)
Published Peer-Reviewed Articles

45. B. B. Rath, S. Krause*, B. V. Lotsch, Active Site Engineering in Reticular Covalent Organic Frameworks for Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2023, 2309060.

44. J. Sheng, J. Perego, S. Bracco, W. Czepa, W. Danowski, S. Krause, P. Sozzani, A. Ciesielski, A. Comotti, B. L. Feringa, Construction of Multi-Stimuli Responsive Highly Porous Switchable Frameworks by In-Situ Solid-State Generation of Spiropyran Switches. Adv. Mater., 2023, 2305783.

43. J. Sheng, J. Perego, W. Danowski, S. Bracco, S. Chen, X. Zhu, C. X. Bezuidenhout, S. Krause, W. R. BrowneP. Sozzani, A. Comotti, B. L. Feringa, Construction of a three-state responsive framework from a bistable photoswitch, Chem, 2023, 9, 9, 2701–2716.

42. S. Krause*, J. V. Milić, Functional dynamics in framework materials. Commun. Chem., 2023, 6, 151.

41. F. Walenszus, V. Bon, J. D. Evans, S. Krause, J. Getzschmann, S. Kaskel, M. Dvoyashkin et al. On the role of history-dependent adsorbate distribution and metastable states in switchable mesoporous metal-organic frameworks. Nat. Commun., 2023, 14, 3223

40. C. Koschnick, M. W. Terban, R. Frison, M. Etter, F. A. Böhm, D. M. Proserpio, S. Krause, R. E. Dinnebier, S. Canossa, B. V. Lotsch, Unlocking New Topologies in Zr-Based Metal–Organic Frameworks by Combining Linker Flexibility and Building Block Disorder, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 18, 10051–10060.

39. S. Krause*, Active Separation of Water Isotopologues by Local Molecular Motion in Microporous Framework Materials. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2023, e202217680

38. C. Stähler, L. Grunenberg, M. W. Terban, W. R. Browne, D. Doellerer, M. Kathan, M. Etter, B. V. Lotsch, B. L. Feringa, S. Krause*, Light-Driven Molecular Motors Embedded in Covalent Organic Frameworks, Chem. Sci., 2022, 13, 8253-8264.

37. S. Krause*, J. D. Evans, V. Bon, S. Crespi, W. Danowski, W. R Browne, S. Ehrling, F. Walenszus, D. Wallacher, N. Grimm, D. D. Többens, M. S. Weiss, S. Kaskel, B. L. Feringa, Cooperative Light-Induced Breathing of Soft Porous Crystals via Azobenzene Buckling, Nat. Commun., 2022, 13, 1951

36. C. L. Hobday, S. Krause*, S. M. J. Rogge, J. D. Evans, H. Bunzen, Editorial: The Influence of Crystal Size and Morphology on the Properties of Porous Framework Materials, Frontiers in Chemistry, 2021, 9, 829906.

35. C. L. Hobday, S. Krause*, S. M. J. Rogge, J. D. Evans, H. Bunzen, Perspectives on the Influence of Crystal Size and Morphology on the Properties of Porous Framework Materials, Frontiers in Chemistry, 2021, 9, 772059.

34. V. Bon, S. Krause, I. Senkovska, N. Grimm, D. Wallacher, D. M. Többens, S. Kaskel, Massive pressure amplification by stimulated contraction of mesoporous frameworks, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2021,133 (21), 11841-1184.5

33. R. Goeminne, S. Krause, S. Kaskel, T. Verstraelen, J. D. Evans, Charting the Complete Thermodynamic Landscape of Gas Adsorption for a Responsive Metal–Organic Framework, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143 (11), 4143-4147.

32. S. Krause*, B. L. Feringa, Towards artificial molecular factories from framework-embedded molecular machines. Nat. Rev. Chem. 2020, 4, 550–562.

31. S. Krause*, J. D. Evans, V. Bon, I. Senkovska, S. Ehrling, P. Iacomi, D. M. Többens, D. Wallacher, M. S. Weiss, B. Zheng, P. G. Yot, G. Maurin, P. L. Llewellyn, F.-X. Coudert, S. Kaskel, Engineering micromechanics of soft porous crystals for negative gas adsorption. Chemical Science 2020, 11, 9468-9479.

30. D. M. Polyukhov, S. Krause, V. Bon, A. S. Poryvaev, S. Kaskel, M. V. Fedin, Structural Transitions of the Metal–Organic Framework DUT-49(Cu) upon Physi- and Chemisorption Studied by in Situ Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. Lett.2020, 11 (15), 5856-5862.

29. S. Krause*, N. Hosono, S. Kitagawa*, Chemistry of Soft Porous Crystals – Structural Dynamics and Gas Adsorption Properties. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59 (36), 15325-15341.
See German version: „Die Chemie verformbarer poröser Kristalle – Strukturdynamik und Gasadsorptionseigenschaften„

28. S. Krause*, F. S. Reuter, S. Ehrling, V. Bon, I. Senkovska, S. Kaskel, E. Brunner, Impact of Defects and Crystal Size on Negative Gas Adsorption in DUT-49 Analyzed by In Situ 129Xe NMR Spectroscopy. Chem. Mater.2020, 32 (11), 4641-4650.

27. W. Danowski, F. Castiglioni, A. Sardjan, S. Krause, L. Pfeifer, D. Roke, A. Comotti, W. R. Browne, B. L. Feringa, Visible Light Driven Rotation of Molecular Motors in a Dual-Function Metal Organic Framework Enabled by Energy Transfer. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142 (19), 9048–9056.

26. S. Krause*, J. D. Evans, V. Bon, I. Senkovska, F.-X. Coudert, D. M. Többens, D. Wallacher, N. Grimm, S. Kaskel, The Role of Temperature and Adsorbate on Negative Gas Adsorption in the Mesoporous Metal-Organic Framework DUT-49. Faraday Discuss. 2021, 225, 168–183.

25. J. D. Evans, S. Krause, B. L. Feringa, Cooperative and synchronized rotation in motorized porous frameworks: Impact on local and global transport properties of confined fluids. Faraday Discuss. 2021, 225, 286–300.

24. P. Iacomi, B. Zheng, S. Krause, S. Kaskel, G. Maurin, P. L. Llewellyn, Low Temperature Calorimetry Coupled with Molecular Simulations for an In-Depth Characterization of the Guest-Dependent Compliant Behavior of MOFs. Chem. Mater. 2020, 32 (8) 3489–3498.

23. B. Garai, V. Bon, S. Krause, F. Schwotzer, M. Gerlach, I. Senkovska, S. Kaskel, Tunable Flexibility and Porosity of the Metal–Organic Framework DUT-49 through Postsynthetic Metal Exchange. Chem. Mater. 2020, 32 (2), 889-896.

22. U. S. F. Arrozi, V. Bon, S. Krause, T. Lübken, M. S. Weiss, I. Senkovska, S. Kaskel, In Situ Imine-Based Linker Formation for the Synthesis of Zirconium MOFs: A Route to CO2 Capture Materials and Ethylene Oligomerization Catalysts. Inorg. Chem. 2020,59 (1), 350-359

21. S. Krause, J. D. Evans, V. Bon, I. Senkovska, P. Iacomi, F. Kolbe, S. Ehrling, E. Troschke, J. Getzschmann, D. M. Többens, A. Franz, D. Wallacher, P. G. Yot, G. Maurin, E. Brunner, P. L. Llewellyn, F.-X. Coudert, S. Kaskel, Towards general network architecture design criteria for negative gas adsorption transitions in ultraporous frameworks. Nat. Commun. 2019,10 (1), 3632.

20. S. Krause*, V. Bon, H. Du, R. E. Dunin-Borkowski, U. Stoeck, I. Senkovska, S. Kaskel, The impact of crystal size and temperature on the adsorption-induced flexibility of the Zr-based metal–organic framework DUT-98. Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2019,10, 1737-1744.

19. J. D. Evans, S. Krause, S. Kaskel, M. B. Sweatman, L. Sarkisov, Exploring the thermodynamic criteria for responsive adsorption processes. Chemical Science 2019,10 (19), 5011-5017.

18. F. Kolbe, S. Krause, V. Bon, I. Senkovska, S. Kaskel, E. Brunner, High-Pressure in Situ 129Xe NMR Spectroscopy: Insights into Switching Mechanisms of Flexible Metal–Organic Frameworks Isoreticular to DUT-49. Chem. Mater. 2019,31 (16), 6193-6201.

17. M. Rauche, S. Ehrling, S. Krause, I. Senkovska, S. Kaskel, E. Brunner, New insights into solvent-induced structural changes of 13C labelled metal–organic frameworks by solid state NMR. Chem. Commun. 2019,55 (62), 9140-9143.

16. M. E. Casco, E. Zhang, S. Graetz, S. Krause, V. Bon, D. Wallacher, N. Grimm, D. M. Toebbens, T. Hauß, L. Borchardt, Experimental Evidence of Confined Methane Hydrate in Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Model Carbons. J. Phys. Chem. C 2019,123 (39), 24071-24079.

15. S. Grätz, M. Oltermann, E. Troschke, S. Paasch, S. Krause, E. Brunner, L. Borchardt, Solvent-free synthesis of a porous thiophene polymer by mechanochemical oxidative polymerization. J. Mater. Chem. A 2018,6, 21901-21905

14. S. Krause, V. Bon, I. Senkovska, D. M. Többens, D. Wallacher, R. S. Pillai, G. Maurin, S. Kaskel, The effect of crystallite size on pressure amplification in switchable porous solids. Nat. Commun. 2018,9 (1), 1573.

13. K. Trepte, S. Schwalbe, J. Schaber, S. Krause, I. Senkovska, S. Kaskel, E. Brunner, J. Kortus, G. Seifert, Theoretical and experimental investigations of 129Xe NMR chemical shift isotherms in metal–organic frameworks. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2018,20 (38), 25039-25043.

12. S. Krause, J. D. Evans, V. Bon, I. Senkovska, S. Ehrling, U. Stoeck, P. G. Yot, P. Iacomi, P. Llewellyn, G. Maurin, F.-X. Coudert, S. Kaskel, Adsorption Contraction Mechanics: Understanding Breathing Energetics in Isoreticular Metal–Organic Frameworks. J. Phys. Chem. C 2018,122 (33), 19171-19179.

11. N. Kavoosi, V. Bon, I. Senkovska, S. Krause, C. Atzori, F. Bonino, J. Pallmann, S. Paasch, E. Brunner, S. Kaskel, Tailoring adsorption induced phase transitions in the pillared-layer type metal-organic framework DUT-8(Ni). Dalton Trans. 2017,46 (14), 4685-4695.

10. M. Oschatz, S. Krause, N. A. Krans, C. Hernandez Mejia, S. Kaskel, K. P. de Jong, Influence of precursor porosity on sodium and sulfur promoted iron/carbon Fischer-Tropsch catalysts derived from metal-organic frameworks. Chem. Commun. 2017,53 (73), 10204-10207.

9. S. Krause, V. Bon, U. Stoeck, I. Senkovska, D. M. Tobbens, D. Wallacher, S. Kaskel, A Stimuli-Responsive Zirconium Metal-Organic Framework Based on Supermolecular Design. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56 (36), 10676–10680.

8. J. Schaber#, S. Krause#, S. Paasch, I. Senkovska, V. Bon, D. M. Többens, D. Wallacher, S. Kaskel, E. Brunner, In Situ Monitoring of Unique Switching Transitions in the Pressure-Amplifying Flexible Framework Material DUT-49 by High-Pressure 129Xe NMR Spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. C 2017,121 (9), 5195-5200.

7. L. Borchardt, W. Nickel, M. Casco, I. Senkovska, V. Bon, D. Wallacher, N. Grimm, S. Krause, J. Silvestre-Albero, Illuminating solid gas storage in confined spaces – methane hydrate formation in porous model carbons. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2016,18 (30), 20607-20614.

6. S. Krause, V. Bon, I. Senkovska, U. Stoeck, D. Wallacher, D. M. Többens, S. Zander, R. S. Pillai, G. Maurin, F. o.-X. Coudert, S. Kaskel, A pressure-amplifying framework material with negative gas adsorption transitions. Nature 2016,532 (7599), 348-352.

5. G.-P. Hao, N. R. Sahraie, Q. Zhang, S. Krause, M. Oschatz, A. Bachmatiuk, P. Strasser, S. Kaskel, Hydrophilic non-precious metal nitrogen-doped carbon electrocatalysts for enhanced efficiency in oxygen reduction reaction. Chem. Commun. 2015,51 (97), 17285-17288.

4. U. Stoeck, I. Senkovska, V. Bon, S. Krause, S. Kaskel, Assembly of metal-organic polyhedra into highly porous frameworks for ethene delivery. Chem. Commun. 2015,51 (6), 1046-1049.

3. C. Kutzscher, H. C. Hoffmann, S. Krause, U. Stoeck, I. Senkovska, E. Brunner, S. Kaskel, Proline Functionalization of the Mesoporous Metal−Organic Framework DUT-32. Inorg. Chem. 2015,54 (3), 1003-1009.

2. R. Grunker, V. Bon, P. Muller, U. Stoeck, S. Krause, U. Mueller, I. Senkovska, S. Kaskel, A new metal-organic framework with ultra-high surface area. Chem. Commun. 2014,50 (26), 3450-3452.

1. U. Stoeck, S. Krause, V. Bon, I. Senkovska, S. Kaskel, A highly porous metal-organic framework, constructed from a cuboctahedral super-molecular building block, with exceptionally high methane uptake. Chem. Commun. 2012,48 (88), 10841-10843.
Published Monographies
S. Krause, Negative Gas Adsorption of Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks, 2019, Dr. Hut Verlag, München, ISBN 9783843939645.