Group Leader

Simon Krause studied chemistry from 2009-2015 at Dresden University of Technology and the University of Nottingham and obtained a PhD in chemistry from Dresden University of Technology in 2019. He was a postodctoral researcher at the University of Groningen until 2020 and became group leader at Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in 2021.
Simon enjoys working on dynamic materials and molecular machines. In his spare time he spents time with his family, plays lacrosse or enjoys the wonders of photography. Detailed CV HERE
Doctoral Researchers

Esengül Çiftçi joined the group in May 2022 as a doctoral researcher. She received her undergraduate degree in chemistry from Gazi University (Turkey) in 2017 and her master’s degree in inorganic chemistry from Eskişehir Osmangazi University (Turkey) in 2021. Currently, she is working on dynamic metal-organic frameworks as adjustable frameworks for catalysis and she is also interested in molecular dynamic simulations of flexible MOFs. Esengül is a passionate musician, photographer and has a degree in web design and coding from Anadolu University (Turkey) in 2021.

Kristina Gjorgjevikj joined the group as a doctoral researcher in June 2022. Before starting her PhD, she completed her Master’s diploma from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of “Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje“ in 2021. Currently, she is working on the synthesis and characterization of metal-organic frameworks and investigating their robust dynamic behavior. Apart from research, she enjoys reading poetry, solving puzzles. She has been a long-time volunteer at the Red Cross of Republic of North Macedonia.

Ardeshir Dadgar Yeganeh joined the group as a doctoral researcher in June 2022. He obtained his first master’s degree in Inorganic Chemistry from Shahid Beheshti University in Iran in 2018 and his second master’s degree in Biorefinery from the University of Lille in France in 2021. During his second master’s program, he completed a 6-months internship at Grenoble Alpes University, Department of Chemistry, where he worked on Nanoconfinement of enzymes with MOFs for bio-electrocatalysis. Ardeshir is currently working on the modulated synthesis of Zr-based MOFs for different projects, from investigating confinement effects in catalysis, to adsorption and diffusion analysis of Zr-MOF thin films. In his spare time, he enjoys traveling and exploring different cultures, playing football, and other social activities.

Timo Manitz joined the group as a doctoral researcher in January 2023. He studied chemsitry at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich and worked in his master thesis on swelling of MIL-88A (Fe). Timo is currently working on heterogeneous catalysis in continuous flow. In his free time he plays soccer, is hiking or bouldering.
Bachelor/Master Students and Student Assistants

Hassan Shatla joined the group in 2023 for hist Masters project. Since June 2025 he is a doctoral student working on transport properties in complex framework materials.
Visiting Reserachers and Interns
We love wrking in an international and diverse team! You are interesting in conducting a short term research internship with us? Please send us an EMAIL containing a short motivational letter that explains your reserach interests and why you would like to work in our team as well as a short CV that includes your educational background and personal experiences.
Join the Team
You are interested in joining our research group? Have a look at current open positions. We are also happy to offer projects for Bachelor or Master thesis as well as international research exchange projects such as ERASMUS. Please reach out via this Form.