Group is moving to Ulm
We are ☺️ 🥳 🤩 to announce that the group will be moving from Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart to the University Ulm in April 2025. Simon …
We are ☺️ 🥳 🤩 to announce that the group will be moving from Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart to the University Ulm in April 2025. Simon …
After a tough competition and many delightful tastings, Hassan is the winner of our annual smoothie competition.
On May 21st Ardeshir, Kristina, Simon and Stefano and a few other members of the Nanochemistry Department of MPI FKF participated at the 7 km team run in Stuttgart. The …
From 22nd to 24th of March 2023 Jovana Milic of the University of Fribourg, Adolphe Merkle Institute, in Switzerland and Simon Krause of the MPI FKF successfully organized the Dynamic Materials, Crystals and …
After a long bus trip to Füssen the reserachers of our group got the chance to participate at the summer school of the CRC1333. the meeting was held and accessible …
Dr. Simon Krause will be moving to the Max-Plack-Institute for Solid State Research as a Group Leader working in the Nanochemistry Department. He will be able to build up a …